Infos légales AASA

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Positionnement sur son secteur

Chiffre d'Affaires


70 %
1% 0K
5% 66K
15% 136K
25% 228K
35% 358K
45% 532K
55% 712K
65% 1 179K
75% 1 919K
85% 3 987K
95% 12 951K
99% 29 266K

Croissance CA


10 %
1% -49
5% -16
15% -6
25% -1
35% 3
45% 8
55% 12
65% 19
75% 28
85% 47
95% 569
99% 1 783



80 %
1% - 650 799
5% -77 671
15% -8 775
25% 4 322
35% 12 312
45% 27 711
55% 41 980
65% 62 846
75% 100 945
85% 213 928
95% 914 734
99% 2 254 808



80 %
1% 100
15% 1 000
25% 4 000
35% 7 000
45% 7 622
55% 10 000
65% 20 000
75% 41 841
85% 100 000
95% 250 000
99% 1 096 200



40 %
1% 2024-01-24
5% 2023-08-20
15% 2021-10-30
25% 2019-11-20
35% 2017-02-09
45% 2014-03-08
55% 2011-01-22
65% 2008-04-23
75% 2003-04-14
85% 1996-02-09
95% 1984-08-31
99% 1975-01-15

Structures de mail

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Sites Web

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  • Committed to Sustainability: Automobile Association of South Africa receives 1-star rating as part...

    ...The Automobile Association of South Africa (AASA) has received its first 1-star rating from the Fédération I... ion Programme. The rating was granted in recognition of the AASA’s commitment to developing their internal procedures and fo... nverter which will power the Association’s call centre. The AASA have celebrated the award as a clear marker of progress in ... fforts to make their offices more environmentally friendly. AASA CEO Willem Groenewald said: “We are extremely happy with th... we achieve the 3-star level rating in the near future.” The AASA is now aiming to establish more environmental management sy...